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What A Twitter

Posted by PrettyBruha | 7:04 AM | | 0 comments »

I have finally signed up to Twitter after meaning to for such a long time and never actually getting around to it. I new I had to be part of Twitter, it is so hot at the moment and probably the fastest growing site on the Internet.So yes I have done it, although that is all I have done so far but I will get it set up and off and running as soon as possible. At this moment I don’t even know how to use Twitter but I’m sure it is not difficult and I will soon get the hang of it. I will take a tour around as soon as I get a spare hour as at the moment I am very busy with my online business and at the moment I am working on my new E-book that I spoke about in my last post about the Information That Could Change Your Life. It’s progressing well though.

Once I get up and running on Twitter I will add an icon to this site so anyone can follow what I am doing. I am sure it will be a bit weird at first as I won’t have any followers to start with, so it will be like I am talking to myself,  but you never know it might not take that much time to get a few.

I am not rushing into it as I am going to link my start on Twitter with the launch of a new site, that I am going to set up after I have finished my E-book. So as you can see I am busy busy busy and loving it.

Remember to look out for the launch date to my new E-book, I hope to have it completed soon.

Something that may interest you already established Twitterers or if like me you are just starting is the software below. Have A Look!

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To Make Money Online

Posted by PrettyBruha | 9:08 PM | , | 0 comments »

Sounds mighty fine doesn’t it and it sounds as if it is quite easy. I was reading a post in a forum earlier today and the subject was why so many people start or should I say search for a way to make money online but never actually make any money at all and give up.

This is how it goes for many people who want to make money online. They put in a search on Google or Yahoo etc for making money online and there are plenty of results. Going through these results can take days to decide who is going to give you what you want. This can be as far as it goes for some people, but others jump in on the best sounding program or system or course that will show them how to make money online.

Some of these programs can cost thousands of Dollars, but do they really teach you what you are looking for, most probably do. The problem is that in most of the marketing that you read leading up to parting with your money, you some how got the impression (I don’t know how that happened) that you would be earning money more or less straight away. This very rarely happens, which is disappointing and frustrating especially as you are not really understanding the course 100%.

At this point a lot of people give up or abort the program and look for another one that will show them how to make money online. It’s not nice, I have been there and I didn’t like it. Thankfully I didn’t waste to much money, but some people are drained of all their savings. This is an outrage.

The essence of the post I read earlier was saying that most people don’t give this business long enough and that not everyone is cut out for this business. I agree that most people don’t give it long enough and expect to make money straight away, but where do we get that idea, I wonder. May be it was from the marketing that we read before we spent our money. I also agree that not everyone is suited to this business, the reason for this is that most people coming into it do not understand or do not see it as a business.

This is probably again down to what they have read in the marketing of a program saying how easy it is to Make Money Online, if you just follow the step by step process. The reality is that this is a business and a hard one at that, you can’t just spend some money on a program and expect it to make you money, if that was the case there would be nobody left in a regular job. A little rule of thumb is that if you are capable of starting a regular offline business, then you are capable on starting and being successful online.

My advice to people thinking of coming into this business is:

Remember it is a business.It is hard work to get established (just like any business).It takes Time To Build up a good income.There is no such thing as a turn key automatic money making machine.If you are prepared to put in the time and effort, the rewards can be big.You need the qualities of any successful business owner.DedicationHard WorkingPersistenceDriveAmbitionSelf MotivationBeliefDon’t give up mentalityVisionAction

If you have all these qualities and you know that it won’t happen overnight then you can be successful online. If you want to know how to start an online business then you can sign up for my FREE Ebook at the top of the page. You will receive FREE of charge the basics to getting started online, without having to shell out thousands of Dollars up front. That way you can see if you are going to enjoy the work and if it is something you can go forward with.

Don’t get stung again, building an online business and making money with it does not happen overnight.



If you feel like leaving a comment, or just need some more advice then do so below, I will be happy to help if I can.

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Affiliate Program

Posted by PrettyBruha | 5:31 PM | , | 0 comments »

Affiliate programs are a popular, successful way of earning money through the use of a website that the individual runs or manages. Websites, regardless of their size, draw consumers to their pages. Businesses know this and want to take advantage of the exposure a personal website can offer them. By teaming with businesses through an affiliate program, website owners can earn a commission on sales generated from their website. There are many types of programs; this means there will be one or more that would complement any website. There are many advantages to joining these services.

They are free and they offer recognizable logos or links to guests of the site so the personal website looks more professional and substantial. Services of this nature benefit the operator of the website because even when the webmaster/owner is not working, he or she can be generating sales and increasing his or her income. "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established" (Proverbs 16:3).

The advantages of this type of business are obvious. With the potential of earning anywhere from 2-50% of sales, it doesn't take much imagination to visualize the profitable possibilities. Affiliate programs can be found linking web visitors to news outlets, retail sites, business opportunities, and even hotels. When a visitor to the individuals site clicks on the link, banner, text or logo provided by the affiliate program, the activity is tracked. When the link continues through to a sale, the activity is recorded as originating from the personal site and the individual will receive a check in the mail. Some affiliate programs track the link for up to ninety days, so that even if the consumer waits to make the purchase, the sale is credited to the individuals account. An affiliate program allows the individual to earn money by displaying text links or graphic links on one or many pages of a website. These links jump consumers to the website of the company where they can purchase products, obtain services, or sign up for business opportunities.

Companies that offer this type of service may allow a small, unknown website to receive exposure by providing a back link to the website from their much larger and more visited site. A website would be able to reach larger markets from the traffic generated from the link off the website of the affiliate program. This can be thought of as free advertising, or a potential for a second-income with no more investment than is already being paid to host a website. Affiliate programs offer the webpage operator/owner an opportunity to earn a commission with no investment. Because it is free to join, there is no risk. Anyone considering a venture of this nature should think about the profile of the most frequent web visitors and imagine the types of links that would appeal to them. It is then important to research the services that clientele would purchase or consume, and what commission these pay. The individual can have multiple links on a site, so the opportunities to make money are endless.
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